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We take a full value chain approach to identify asset investments or traded activity that have combined high commercial and development impact. We identify, scope, structure and implement these opportunities to drive economic growth, improved livelihoods and a positive environmental benefit.

Umoya Foods

Umoya Foods is a proudly South African health food brand currently dedicated to a superfood product range that celebrates the Amaranth plant and empowers the small scale farmers that grow it. Through extensive analysis we identified that Amaranth (or more commonly known as Morogo) was previously only being grown by small-scale farmers for self-sustenance and that its full industrial agricultural potential had not yet been realised. Umoya Foods is the realisation of that potential and proof that ancient food sources have a place in the modern market place. 

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Umoya Dryers

Umoya dryers builds and promotes on-farm solar and hybrid drying technology specifically designed for rural farmers in Africa. By drying produce on farm, we are able to reduce post-harvest loss and significantly improve costs and the complexity associated with the rural farmer's route to market. ​We structure feasibility and implementation projects to assist these farmers with both the technology setup and in finding markets for their dried products


Sable Starch

While in Malawi on an advisory project, the Scaled Impact team identified an agri-economic opportunity for pea protein processing using the robust and drought resistant pigeon pea. This sustainable and transformational project will empower over 300 000 smallholder farmers significantly impacting Malawi's economy while also ensuring that the growing worldwide pea protein demands are met.

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SI Ventures

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